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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - cash


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~1 n 1 money in the form of coins or notes rather than cheques, credit cards etc  (in cash)  (I'm bringing $400 in travellers' checks and $100 in cash.)  (- see money) | pay in cash (=not by cheque etc)  (Is there any discount if I pay in cash?) hard cash (=notes and coins only)  (In terms of hard cash, we've raised over $200 and in pledges about $8500.) 2 informal money  (The company's a bit short of cash right now. | be strapped for cash (=not have enough money)) 3 pay cash to pay immediately using a cheque or cash, but not by adding a debt to your account  (Are you paying cash or do you have a trade account? | cash bonus/sale/deposit (=one in which a direct payment is made)) 4 cash down if you pay for something cash down, you pay for it before you receive it 5 cash on delivery COD; used to mean that the customer pays the person delivering the goods to them  (- see also petty cash) ~2 v cash a cheque/postal order/draft etc to exchange a cheque etc for the amount of money it is worth  (Can you cash my traveller's cheques here? | Where can I get this cashed?) - cashable adj  (cashable at any bank) cash in phr v 1 to make a profit from a situation in a way that other people think is wrong or unfair + on  (He's just cashing in on the fact that his father is a big movie director.) 2 T cash something in) to exchange something such as an insurance policy (2) for its value in money 3 cash in your chips humorous to die cash up also cash out AmE phr v to add up the amount of money received in a shop in a day so that it can be checked
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  (cashes, cashing, cashed) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. Cash is money in the form of notes and coins rather than cheques. ...two thousand pounds in cash. N-UNCOUNT see also hard cash, petty cash 2. Cash means the same as money, especially money which is immediately available. (INFORMAL) ...a state-owned financial-services group with plenty of cash. = money N-UNCOUNT 3. If you cash a cheque, you exchange it at a bank for the amount of money that it is worth. There are similar charges if you want to cash a cheque at a branch other than your own. VERB: V n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: modification of Middle French or Old Italian; Middle French casse money box, from Old Italian cassa, from Latin capsa chest — more at case  Date: 1593  1. ready money  2. money or its equivalent (as a check) paid for goods or services at the time of purchase or delivery  II. adjective  Date: 1622 being a method of accounting that includes as income only what has been received and as expenses only those paid — compare accrual  III. transitive verb  Date: 1811  1. to pay or obtain ~ for ~ a check  2. to lead and win a bridge trick with (a card that is the highest remaining card of its suit)  • ~able adjective  IV. noun  (plural ~)  Etymology: Portuguese caixa, from Tamil kacu, a small copper coin, from Sanskrit kar?a, a weight of gold or silver  Date: 1598  1. any of various coins of small value in China and southern India; especially a Chinese coin with a square hole in the center  2. a unit of value equivalent to one ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 money in coins or notes, as distinct from cheques or orders. 2 (also cash down) money paid as full payment at the time of purchase, as distinct from credit. 3 colloq. wealth. --v.tr. give or obtain cash for (a note, cheque, etc.). Phrases and idioms cash and carry 1 a system of wholesaling in which goods are paid for in cash and taken away by the purchaser. 2 a store where this system operates. cash-book a book in which receipts and payments of cash are recorded. cash crop a crop produced for sale, not for use as food etc. cash desk a counter or compartment in a shop where goods are paid for. cash dispenser an automatic machine from which customers of a bank etc. may withdraw cash, esp. by using a cashcard. cash flow the movement of money into and out of a business, as a measure of profitability, or as affecting liquidity. cash in 1 obtain cash for. 2 colloq. (usu. foll. by on) profit (from); take advantage (of). 3 pay into a bank etc. 4 (in full cash in one's checks) colloq. die. cash on delivery a system of paying the carrier for goods when they are delivered. cash register a machine in a shop etc. with a drawer for money, recording the amount of each sale, totalling receipts, etc. cash up Brit. count and check cash takings at the end of a day's trading. Derivatives cashable adj. cashless adj. Etymology: obs. F casse box or It. cassa f. L capsa CASE(2) 2. n. (pl. same) hist. any of various small coins of China or the E. Indies. Etymology: ult. f. Port. ca(i)xa f. Tamil kasu f. Skr. karsha ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) кфт. маска; каше; виньетка 2) рамка кадрового окна (фильмового канала) ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) деньги 2) наличные деньги, наличный расчет 3) оплачивать 4) получать наличные 5) горн. мягкий сланец to cash a check — получать наличные деньги по чеку; платить по чеку to pay in cash — платить наличными - hard cash - spot cash ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) наличные деньги 2) наличный расчет 3) звонкая монета • - Cash Item - Cash Receipt - actual cash value - against cash payment - be converted into cash - benefit in cash - by cash - cash a check - cash account - cash accounting - cash advance - cash against documents - cash and carry - cash and equivalents - cash assets - cash at bank and in hand - cash basis - cash benefit - cash check - cash commodity - cash contribution - cash control - cash count - cash credit - cash deposit - cash disbursement - cash dividend - cash dividends - cash down - cash down payment - cash drive - cash equivalent - cash facilities - cash flow - cash flow analysis - cash flow forecast - cash flow matching - cash flow projection - cash flow statement - cash flows from operating activities - cash in advance - cash in hand - cash in hand - cash in on - cash in - cash indemnity - cash items - cash letter - cash loss - cash management - cash market - cash means - cash method - cash on delivery - cash on hand - cash on hand - cash on payment - cash outlay - cash payment - cash payments - cash position - cash ratio - cash receipts and disbursements method of accounting - cash reimbursement - cash reserve - cash reserves - cash surrender value - cash tender offer - cash up - cash value - cash with order - cash withdrawals - check of cash - check the cash - clearings in cash - contribution in cash - contribution other than cash - convert into cash - current cash flow - discount for cash payment - for cash - in cash - net cash - out of cash - payment in cash - petty cash - prompt cash - ready cash - short of cash - spot cash 2. гл. 1) превращать в наличные 2) получать деньги (по чеку, по векселю) 3) зарабатывать на что-л. (on) 4) оплачивать чеком (out) 5) производить окончательный расчет (in) CASH 1. сущ. 1) эк. деньги, денежные средства (бумажные деньги,...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. наличные деньги cash —- наличные (деньги) prompt cash —- немедленный расчет наличными ready cash, cash in hand —- наличные деньги cash sale —- продажа за наличные cash price —- цена при уплате наличными cash assets —- денежный актив; денежная наличность; имущество в денежной форме cash on delivery —- наложенный платеж, уплата при доставке cash with order —- наличный расчет при выдаче заказа cash with bank —- денежная наличность в банке cash down —- за наличный расчет cash down !, cash on the nail! —- деньги на бочку! by cash —- наличными to pay cash —- расплатиться на месте sold for cash —- продан за наличный расчет 2. разг. деньги space cash —- свободные деньги cash people —- люди с деньгами, платежеспособные клиенты cash remittance —- денежный перевод cash tenant —- арендатор, платящий деньгами cash allowance —- воен. денежное содержание out of cash, shot of cash —- не при деньгах in cash —- при деньгах 3. касса cash receipts —- кассовые поступления cash balance —- кассовая наличность; запас наличных денег cash audit —- ревизия кассы 4. превращать в наличные to cash a check —- получить деньги по чеку 5. каш (мелкая медная монета в Китае и Индии) ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) деньги - in cash - out of cash - short of cash  2) наличные деньги, наличный расчет; звонкая монета - ready cash - sold for cash - pay cash - cash on delivery  3) attr. - cash crop - cash payment - cash price cash down!, cash on the nail! - деньги на бочку!  2. v. получать/платить деньги по чеку - cash in - cash up to cash in on smth. coll. - нажиться на чем-л. to cash in ones checks - см. check  1. to cash in ones chips amer.; coll. - умереть CASH a cheque получить деньги по чеку CASH benefit денежное пособие CASH card noun кредитная карточка CASH cow noun продукт, пользующийся спросом CASH crop товарная культура CASH desk noun расчетная касса CASH dispenser noun кассир-автомат CASH down деньги на бочку CASH flow noun fin. движение денежной наличности CASH in  а) обменивать что-л. на деньги Id like to cash this cheque in, please. You may cash in the shares at the end of five years.  б) получать выгоду из чего-л. Youd better cash in while you can. Lets cash in on this unexpected fine weather and go into the country for the day. CASH on delivery наложенным платежом; с уплатой при доставке CASH payment наличный расчет CASH price цена при уплате наличными CASH register noun кассовый аппарат, касса CASH up  а) (в магазине) подсчитывать деньги, выручку Im not ready to go home for a few minutes, Im still cashing up.  б) coll. давать нужную сумму Can the club cash up the money needed to train young players? We need money to train young players: will the club cash up? ...
Англо-русский словарь
  U.S. gov. abbr. Compensation And Accountability To Soaked Homeowners religion abbr. The Continental Association Of Satan's Hope NASDAQ abbr. First Midwest Financial, Inc. account. abbr. Community Accountancy Self Help ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  See: COLD CASH. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 1593, from M.Fr. caisse "money box," from Prov. caissa, from L. capsa "box" (see case), originally the money box, but the secondary sense of the money in it became sole meaning 18c. Verb meaning "to convert to cash" (as a check, etc.) is first attested 1811. Like most financial terms in Eng., ultimately from It. (cf. bankrupt, etc.). ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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